Kid’s corner
Here are some calm activities we gathered to occupy your child during a break, after school time or whenever you want !
Most of time, you only need a printer and few coloring pencils. And if you like them, share them !
Take care of you and your family.
Drawing and coloring
A quiet activity to prepare a nice surprise
Coloring Pirates - Illustrated by Alexandre Honoré
Coloring Fresque ButterFly
Coloring Hipster Girls - Illustrated by Lili Scratchy
Coloring Skull Boy - Illustrated by Christian Montenegro
Coloring with animals - Illustrated by Véronique Bulteau
Coloring with flowers - Illustrated by Véronique Bulteau
Coloring Mandalas - Illustrated by Smahane Girardet
Coloring Mandalas - Illustrated by Smahane Girardet
Coloring Doodle Junior - Illustrated by Ellen Giggenbach
Coloring Doodle - Illustrated by Ellen Giggenbach
Dot to dot - Illustrated by Peggy Nille
Dot to dot by Arthur - Illustrated by Clément Lefevre
Dot to dot by Arthur - Illustrated by Clément Lefevre
Dot to dot by Arthur - Illustrated by Clément Lefevre
Short logic Games
So proud to find the solution by oneself !
Mazes by Theseus - Illustrated by Eric Héliot
Back in order - Illustrated by Magalie Lehuche
Sequences - Illustrated by Véronique Bulteau
Observation games
Keep your eyes wide open and sharp your mind !
Where is Piou Piou ? - Illustrated by Eric Héliot
Where is Rose ? - Illustrated by Anne Royant
The missing piece - Illustrated by Caroline Faup
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